Monday, November 25, 2013

Thoughts for the Week 

“Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them, humanity cannot survive.” 
- Dalai Lama XIV, The Art of Happiness

“Compassion is not religious business, it is human business, it is not luxury, it is essential for our own peace and mental stability, it is essential for human survival.” 
- Dalai Lama XIV

Friday, October 11, 2013

Thought for the Day

Wise words from a true leader of our time

“Only the development of compassion and understanding for others can bring us the tranquility and happiness we all seek.”
 Dalai Lama XIV

Friday, September 6, 2013

Do you know the Awareness Issues for September ?????? Ovarian Cancer the Silent Killer

Hi all I was thinking about the color ribbons and the issues they stand for. That lead to the next issue When are the Months for these Issues.  So over I run to my trusted source WIKEPEDIA  :) and here is the list of Awareness issues for September.   Lets all spread the word and help a cause.  Is your this month?    For more information on Awareness months you can follow the link below.  

  Remember Ovarian Cancer is a silent killer please educate yourself and the ones you love about this deadly killer 
So lets all wear Teal and support a cure for Ovarian Cancer
Great information is at your fingertips  just click on the links... below

Break the silence,

September Awareness from 
Life Insurance Awareness Month[34]National Chiari Malformation Awareness Month[35]National Childhood Cancer Awareness MonthNational Guide Dog Month (2010 to present)
National Hispanic Heritage Month (U.S.; September 15 to October 15)
National Honey Month (U.S.)
Lymphoma Awareness MonthNational Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month[36][37]National Preparedness Month (U.S.)[38]National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month
Leukemia Awareness Month
National Sickle Cell Awareness Month
National Yoga Month

To find the robbon color for your issue please see my blog post on ribbon colors located here

Again Thank you all for taking the time to stop in. Pass this info on . Please feel free to comment and offer suggestions 
Sending Blessings and well wishes to all

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Do you know your Awareness Ribbon Colors

I have often been ask about Colors and Awareness Ribbons  I know each color shares many issues.  I worked as a Domestic Violence Advocate  for years and wore my Purple Ribbon not just for DV issues but for Alzheimer's Disease, Crohn's disease, Migraine awareness, and Peripheral Neuropathy awareness.

So for those of you who are interested in learning the Ribbon Colors and what they represent I have added a wonderful link from Wikipedia,

Wear your Ribbons with Pride and spread the word.

List of awareness ribbons

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This is a list of awareness ribbons. The meaning behind the awareness ribbon depends on its color or colors. Many groups have adopted ribbons as symbols of support or awareness, and as a result, many causes often share each color. Some causes may also be represented by more than one color.

Colors and meanings[edit source | editbeta]

White ribbonclear, pearl or white ribbon
  • lung-cancer awareness; it was originally clear, referencing air and being too-often unnoticed, but evolved to primarily pearl or white for practical reasons, because a clear ribbon isn't easily visible.[1][2][3] Some sources suggest clear or white as a subset of pearl for long-term-non-smoker/never-smoker lung cancer, but there is no evidence of lung cancer organization support for this distinction.[4] Some lung cancer organizations use different colors or symbols.[5]
White ribbonwhite ribbon
Zebra-print ribbonzebra-print ribbon
Yellow ribbonyellow ribbon
Puzzle ribbonpuzzle ribbon
  • autism awareness[22]
  • child-to-child care and development awareness
Cloud ribboncloud ribbon
Grey and Blue with Blood Drop ribbongrey and blue with blood drop "type 1 diabetes" ribbon
Blue ribbonblue ribbon
Indigo Ribbonindigo ribbon
Light Blue ribbonlight blue ribbon
Jade ribbonjade ribbon
Lime Ribbonlime ribbon
Blue Jeans Denim Ribbonblue jeans denim ribbon
Purple ribbonpurple ribbon
Lavender ribbonlavender ribbon
Periwinkle ribbonperiwinkle ribbon
Pink and Blue ribbonpink and blue ribbon
Orange ribbonorange ribbon
Red ribbonred ribbon
Gray ribbongray ribbon
Red ribbonblack ribbon
  • terrorist attacks in Turkey; a sign of mourning for those lost in the terrorist attacks
  • Wiccan/Pagan rights and awareness [103]
  • 9/11 - This ribbon is a sign of mourning for those lost in the 11 September attack
  • mourning and remembrance of the Virginia Tech massacre[104]
  • melanoma awareness[105]
  • black lung awareness
  • transgender hate crime awareness
  • awareness for suicide, bulimia, anorexia, self-harm, etc.
  • sleep apnea awareness
Pink ribbonpink ribbon
Light green ribbonlight-green ribbon
Green ribbongreen ribbon
Teal ribbonteal ribbon
Teal and White ribbonteal and white ribbon
  • cervical cancer
Violet ribbonviolet ribbon
Gold ribbongold ribbon
Silver ribbonsilver ribbon
Burgundy ribbonburgundy ribbon
Red and Blue Ribbonred and blue ribbon
red and orange ribbon
  • Myeloproliferative Neoplasms Awareness[138]
  • Myeloproliferative Disorder Awareness[138]
  • Polycythemia Vera Awareness[138]
  • Essential Thrombocythemia Awareness[138]
  • Myelofibrosis Awareness[138]
Red and Black ribbonred and black ribbon
Red white and blue ribbonred, white and blue ribbon
Ribbon of Saint Georgeorange and black ribbon
Blue and Black ribbonblue and black ribbon
houndstooth ribbon
Ribbon of Leningrad VictoryOlive-green ribbon
NAIT Ribbonred and gold ribbon
Chronic Migraine Ribbon 2.jpgpurple and red ribbon
  • chronic migraine (newly established by some migraine support groups)[148]
Burgundy and Ivory Ribbon.pngburgundy and ivory ribbon
Rheumatoid Arthritis ribbon two tone blue purpletwo-tone blue and purple ribbon
Red Yellow Black ribbonred with yellow and black stripes ribbon
MCTD smallpurple- and blue-striped ribbon
pink- and blue-striped ribbon
Green with blue trim ribbon