Tuesday, March 20, 2018

52 Ancestors Week 11: Lucky
#52 Ancestors

This week’s clue has caused much thought and still, nothing has come to mind. One of the issues is that I know very little about my ancestors past my grandparents.  So how do you decide on if a person is lucky or not?  I did not have anyone born on the 17th which I could have used.  As week 12 has arrived and I am sitting here tonight scratching my head on what I will write about for week 11, I hear the weather sirens start to sound.  Eureka !!!  I know who to write about at long last.

Some time during the later 1950’s a series of tornados hit the area in Alabama where my grandparents lived.  One of these tornados hit so close to my grandparents home it moved it off the foundation with my grandmother, Elmira Tululah (Atkinson) Gilbert inside the home.  As the winds howled all around her she held on tight.  I can only imagine her fear as the deafening winds moved her home in the air and sat it back down again. During this hair-raising flight, several of their belongings flew out of the windows of the home. Among those items that were scattered to the unknown were my grandmother's false teeth.  They were able to find many of the items that were lost but never found where her teeth went to.   This story has been shared over and over in our family.  To think that the only major loss was her teeth is amazing.  They stayed in the home, though it was not on the foundation, for a few more years until my grandfather passed in 1957.

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